

[Click on the title below to open an article]

    1. New Covenant in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The promises of the New Covenant and the New Creation find their fulfillment in Jesus)
    2. Rudimentary Things - {PDF Copy} - (The Messianic Age dawned in Jesus, therefore calendrical rituals and other Levitical regulations belong to a now obsolete order)
    3. Food and Calendars - {PDF Copy} - (Paul argues for tolerance in the church on food regulations and the observation of holy days – The shadows now find their fulfillment in Jesus)
    4. His Incomparable Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus inaugurated the superior New Covenant through his Death and Resurrection, rendering the old covenant obsolete – Hebrews 8:6-13)
    5. Spirit and Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (The promise of the Spirit is integral to the redemption of humanity and the Covenant of God with His people)
    6. The Spirit of Life - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit of God imparts life, especially the everlasting life of which the Gift of the Spirit is the foretaste and guarantee)
    7. The Greater Lawgiver - {PDF Copy} - (In Matthew, Jesus is the Greater Moses who interprets the Law and the Prophets and brings them to fulfillment)
    8. One People - {PDF Copy} - (By his Death and Resurrection, Jesus formed one covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him, not ethnicity or nationality – Ephesians 2:11-22)

    1. Kings and Nations - {PDF Copy} - (The promise to bless all nations in Abraham culminates in the vast multitude of the Redeemed that will inhabit New Jerusalem)
    2. The Seed of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the promised Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him)
    3. Coheirs with Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The covenant with Abraham is fulfilled in Jesus, his seed and heir, including the promise of land – Romans 8:1-23)
    4. Heir of the World - {PDF Copy} - (The faith of uncircumcised Abraham provides an example for Jewish and Gentile believers to live from the faith of Jesus – Romans 4:11-17)
    5. Inheritance of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Believers are the heirs of Abraham, and the possession of their inheritance is secured by possession of the Gift of the Spirit)
    6. Covenant Heirs - {PDF Copy} - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced)
    7. Promise and Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is one of God’s covenant promises and his ways of blessing all Nations in Abraham’s Seed)
    8. The Spirit of Promise - {PDF Copy} - (The Promise of the Spirit is one of the blessings of Abraham promised by God for the nations and the children of the Patriarch)
    9. New Covenant in Jesus - (The Gift of the Spirit is foundational to the New Covenant, and it is the first fruit of the Resurrection and the New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
    10. City of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (New Jerusalem will be populated fulfilling the covenant promises to bless all nations in Abraham – Revelation 21:24-22:5)

    1. God Has Spoken! - {PDF Copy} - (God has spoken His definitive word in His Son. All previous words given by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial)
    2. These Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The era of the Levitical priesthood terminated with the arrival of the word in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, our High Priest forever)
    3. The Purification of Sins - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God where he now intercedes for his people as their High Priest)
    4. His Most Excellent Name - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus inherited a more distinguished name than the angels; namely, that of Son)
    5. Do Not Drift Away - {PDF Copy} - (The Letter gives a dire warning of the consequences for failing to heed the superior word spoken by God in His Son – Hebrews 1:4-2:7)
    6. Merciful and Faithful Priest - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is well-equipped to be our faithful and sympathetic high priest, having participated fully in humanity’s plight)
    7. Superior to Moses - {PDF Copy} - (The word of the Son is superior even to the word of Moses, the servant and Great Lawgiver in the house of Yahweh)
    8. Priest Forever - {PDF Copy} - (The priesthood of Jesus is superior because it rests on his endless resurrection life, the priest after the order of Melchizedek)
    9. Change of Law - {PDF Copy} - (The new priesthood after the order of Melchizedek inaugurated in Jesus also means a change in the Law)
    10. Shadows and Substance - {PDF Copy} - (The types and shadows of the old covenant find their substance in the Son of God, Jesus Christ - in his priesthood and New Covenant – Hebrews 8:1-5)
    11. Incomparable New Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (In his death, Jesus inaugurated the promised and vastly superior new covenant, rendering the old one obsolete)
    12. Then He Sat Down - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Son whom God appointed as our merciful and faithful High Priest after his suffering, death, and resurrection)

    Aurora Borealis over Mountain - Photo by Matt Houghton on Unsplash
    [Aurora Borealis Photo by Matt Houghton on Unsplash]


    One People

    On to Perfection