His Teachings


[Click on the title below to open an article]

  1. The Greater Lawgiver - {PDF Copy} - (In Matthew, Jesus is the Greater Moses who interprets the Law and the Prophets and brings them to fulfillment)
  2. Law and Prophets - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus came to fulfill all the things that were promised and foreshadowed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Law and the Prophets)
  3. Fulfilling the Law - {PDF Copy} - (Mercy and love are defining characteristics of his disciples and reflect the true nature of his Father – Matthew 5:43-48)
  4. Mercy and Enemies - {PDF Copy} - (When Christians react in kind to hostility, whether from government, society, or individuals, Satan triumphs)
  5. His Absolute Authority - {PDF Copy} - (At the end of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus claimed absolute authority for his words. Disciples who ignore them risk his rejection – Matthew 7:21-28)
  6. Carrying His Cross - {PDF Copy} - (To follow Jesus, we must be willing to suffer for his sake, and enduring persecution is the highest honor in his Kingdom)
  7. Leap for Joy! - {PDF Copy} - (The followers of Jesus are called to rejoice when they are found worthy to suffer for him and his Gospel)

  1. The Road to Calvary - (On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus explained what it meant to be the Messiah and the destiny of the suffering Son of Man - Mark 8:27-38) -  {PDF Copy}
  2. Seed and Sower - {PDF Copy} - (The Son of Man sows the seed of the Gospel in the world where it grows continually into the Kingdom of God until his return – Mark 4:1-20)
  3. Kingdom Parables - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus taught several parables concerning the Kingdom, its paradoxical growth, and its status in the world - Mark 4:21-34)
  4. Jesus and Tradition - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus undermined the religious rationale for dietary restrictions. With the Messiah’s arrival, the old rituals lost their relevance)
  5. His Authority - {PDF Copy} - (He is the Son of Man foreseen by Daniel, the one with absolute authority from Yahweh over the earth)


  1. In the Temple - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus gave his last discourse on Olivet following his final and symbolic departure from the Temple – Mark 12:41-13:4)
  2. The Desolate Temple - {PDF Copy} - (When he left the Temple for the last time, Jesus pronounced its coming desolation to his opponents, the Pharisees)
  3. Rumors of War - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus warned of coming deceivers who will mislead many and disseminate false information about the future and his return)
  4. His Repeated Warning - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus gave critical information vital to his disciples if they wished to avoid deception by false prophets and other deceivers)
  5. The Abomination of Desolation - {PDF Copy} - (When disciples see the Abomination of Desolation standing where it ought not, they must flee Jerusalem without delay)
  6. The Sign of the End - {PDF Copy} - (According to Jesus. the End will not come until this Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations on the Earth – Matthew 24:14)
  7. Budding Fig Tree - {PDF Copy} - (The parable of the budding fig tree points to the imminent destruction of the Temple predicted by Jesus)
  8. "THIS Generation" - {PDF Copy} - (The generation contemporary with Jesus witnessed the events predicted by him that culminated in the Temple’s destruction – Mark 13:28-31)
  9. Days of Noah - {PDF Copy} - (Just as unprepared men were destroyed by the Flood, so unrepentant men and apostates will be overtaken by destruction when Jesus arrives)
  10. Coming the on Clouds - {PDF Copy} - (The whole planet will see the Son of Man arriving on the clouds of Heaven when he comes to gather his elect to himself –Mark 13:21-27)
  11. The Final Day - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus will mark the end of the present order and the commencement of the age to come, the resurrection of the dead, and the New Creation)

Alpine brook - Photo by kazuend on Unsplash
[Photo by kazuend on Unsplash]


One People

On to Perfection