Last Days
[Click on the title below to open an article]
- The Season is Here! - {PDF Copy} - (The period known as the Last Days began with the Death, Resurrection, and Enthronement of Jesus)
- Discerning Times & Seasons - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus did not command his disciples to know all the signs and seasons of his return - It is not for them to know times and seasons – Acts 1:7)
- The Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The Apostle Paul linked the commencement of the Last Days to the death and resurrection of Jesus, the hinge on which History has turned)
- The Ends of the Ages - {PDF Copy} - (The Last Days, the time of fulfillment, began with the death, resurrection, and exaltation of Jesus of Nazareth)
- An End Time People - {PDF Copy} - (The church is the battlefield where the final war is waged between the Lamb and the “Ancient Serpent,” Satan)
- In the Last Days... - {PDF Copy} - (The outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost signaled the arrival of the last days, just as prophesied by the Prophet Joel – Acts 2:17-21)
- Pentecost and the Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The outpouring of the Spirit signaled the commencement of the Last Days, the era of the Spirit and fulfillment)
- The Final Harvest - {PDF Copy} - (The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost fulfilled what the feast symbolized and marked the start of the Final Harvest)
- Christ is Risen! - {PDF Copy} - (Paul anchored all that God has done in the resurrection of Jesus, which also inaugurated the Messianic Age - Galatians 1:1-5)
- The Age of the Spirit - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, and the first fruits of the New Creation and the gathering of the nations) - {PDF Copy}
- The Sign of the End - {PDF Copy} - (According to Jesus. the End will not come until this Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations on the Earth – Matthew 24:14)
- Days of Noah - {PDF Copy} - (Just as unprepared men were destroyed by the Flood, so unrepentant men and apostates will be overtaken by destruction when Jesus arrives)
- Rumors of War - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus warned of coming deceivers who will mislead many and disseminate false information about the future and his return)
- Rumors and Lies - {PDF Copy} - (Disinformation about the day of the Lord caused alarm in the congregation at Thessalonica – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2)
- The Apostasy - {PDF Copy} - (Paul warned the Thessalonians of the future apostasy which he linked to the unveiling of the Man of Lawlessness, the Son of Destruction)
- Seated in the Sanctuary- {PDF Copy} - (The Man of Lawlessness will be unveiled when he seats himself in the House of God - 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- The Coming Tempest - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament warns of a future apostasy caused by deceivers and the Lawless One who will appear before the Day of the Lord)
- Times, Signs and Seasons - {PDF Copy} - (Paul does not detail the times and seasons since the Thessalonians understand that the Lord will come like a thief in the night – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)
- The Last Enemy - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus at the end of the age will mean the end of the Last Enemy, namely, Death - 1 Corinthians 15:24-28)
- His Repeated Warning - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus gave critical information vital to his disciples if they wished to avoid deception by false prophets and other deceivers)
- THAT Son of Man - (The one like a Son of Man in Daniel is the source of Christ’s self-designation as the Son of Man and his authority) - {PDF Copy}
- On the Clouds - (Portions of Daniel’s vision of the Fourth Beast and the Little Horn are applied to Jesus and his saints in the New Testament) - {PDF Copy}
- The Final Day - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus will mark the end of the present order and the commencement of the age to come, the resurrection of the dead, and the New Creation)
- Vindication and Condemnation - {PDF Copy} - (The arrival of Jesus will mean vindication and rest for the righteous, but everlasting loss and condemnation for the wicked - 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10)
- Wrath of God - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, wrath refers to the final judicial sentence of God on His enemies. Tribulation is what the church endures)
- Gathering the Elect - (Jesus will arrive to gather his people on the Day of the Lord, an event that is now synonymous with the Day of Christ) - {PDF Copy}
- Jesus is not Late! - (The apparent delay in Christ’s coming is due to God’s mercy as He waits patiently for the Gospel of His Kingdom to reach all men) - {PDF Copy}
- Coming the on Clouds - {PDF Copy} - (The whole planet will see the Son of Man arriving on the clouds of Heaven when he comes to gather his elect to himself –Mark 13:21-27)
- The Revelation of Jesus - (At the revelation of Jesus from Heaven, the saints will experience glory, but the wicked receive everlasting destruction) - {PDF Copy}
- The Final Act - (The arrival of Jesus “on the clouds” will be an event of great victory and finality that will result in the resurrection and the New Creation) - {PDF Copy}
- The Day of Christ - (Jesus will arrive on the Day of the Lord when the dead are raised, the wicked are judged, and death will cease forevermore) - {PDF Copy}